And link triumphs too see another day... as everyone except for link's grandma gets killed on Outset island. that was funny and I love that you killed that little snot nosed kid.
And link triumphs too see another day... as everyone except for link's grandma gets killed on Outset island. that was funny and I love that you killed that little snot nosed kid.
That's the worst torture,,,
Infinate loop of a blunt shot to the head, knowing it could never stop. pure torture but epic nontheless. good job!
Awwww Fuck....
It has raisins. Haha epic movie good job
First off awesome movie! and second, Calvin and hobbes are pretty much the greatest comic strip characters that I know (just in case you were not told yet) yea that is exactly what i thought of first when i saw your mini character walk out into the feild. the only thing that was missing from this animation was a tiger.
Gravestones were hilarious, song sounded awesome, love the lead singer zombie, animation was pretty much perfect. to incorperate zombies in this kind of flash, was brilliant, all my 10 go to this. You are amazing, keep up the increadible work!
One thing wrong, there is no way that Mr. FancyTopHatGuy could ever kill THE Hank J. Wimblton. but i am willing to overlook it because the rest of the collab was pretty freak'n sweet.
Yes Edd!!!
I died of laughter when Edd drew stg. Hilarys face on the floor and when when edd matt tom and tord looked like complete beasts and then all you see is tom looking down the barrel of his gun. keep up the funny toons.
HAHA luckiest guy i've ever seen in my life! nice
What kind of school is crawling with kids that carry around uzi's, shotguns and silenced pistols. it was pretty good don't get me wrong but this must be pretty ghetto to have kids walking around with weapons in plain sight. that's what makes it funny.
Joined on 11/30/09